dilluns, 19 de març del 2012

Sleeping for a living

  • Temps previst: 20-25 minuts
  • Es puntua la capacitat d'interacció de la persona candidata, la pronúncia, la competència gramatical i l'ús de vocabulari

Look at the picture and ask your partner for details about his/her picture to find similarities and differences between them. 

Tell your partner what your text is about. Listen to each other and then exchange opinions about the topic and the content of the texts. 

Student A: Describe this photo.

Student B: Describe this photo

To know more on the topic
In turns, ask your partner three questions about the following subjects and answer his/her questions. Start with the first one.

- How well you partner usually sleeps, how many hours of sleep she needs and what factors affect her sleep.
- How travelling affects her sleep, how many hours she sleeps, if she finds it difficult to sleep on a different bed, etc.
- How little sleep affects her life, her job or relatioship with people.

Now watch this video and take notes of how little sleep affects our weight.

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